Smart Choice for Guided Wave Testing

Spatial Resolution of GWT

Guided wave testing uses two primary elements in defect detection. The first is a 2-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio for defect detection. The Magnetostrictive sensor (MsS) guided wave testing method has low background noise to achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio of ≥50 dB for end-reflected signals of pipes. The second aspect is spatial resolution that allows for detection of any defects near the geometric feature.

Schematic Drawing of Pipeline
Figure 1: Schematic Drawing of Pipe

For example, Figure 1 demonstrates an 8 NPS and schedule 40 stainless steel pipe that was tested. Figure 2 shows data acquired with both MsS encircling and sector probes. The defect is detected at approximately 4.1 m. with two encircling probes installed at either end of the pipe. 4-inch MsS sector probe is used to verify the detected defect by rotating 360˚ along the circumference. The discrete defects are detected at approximately 10 cm behind the weld. This example demonstrates the importance of spatial resolution in guided wave testing.

Spatial Resolution of GWT
Figure 2: Acquired Data using MsS Guided Wave System